Saturday, March 13, 2010

Longing for Leadership

With my sister's wedding less than 6 months away, I've found myself thinking on the context of marriage lately. Not the "happily ever after, white picket fence" version that the media brainwashes us with, but rather the actual labor (spiritually, physically and emotionally), and the vitality of each role within the framework of a marriage. However, not having grown up under much spiritual leadership, I've struggled in understanding my own worth and purpose in the context of such a sacred covenant. This was discouraging on a number of levels because of how deeply I desire to make this covenant with a man of virtue and honor some day. So, to unhinge myself from the oh-so familiar corner of despair, I repented of my worry and unbelief and began praying for wisdom and understanding to prevail the bewildering lies that I had been subconsciously in agreement with for so long. Then I stumbled upon this resource last night. Coincidence? I think not. 

Enjoy and be blessed! =)


1 comment:

  1. Cool! I'm excited to listen to that!
    Also I'm interested in what God revealed to you/taught you regarding the Nations Saturday night.
